Many terms in the android world that we might not understand , so let us learn one by one . GER == Android Package, Science in the iPhone, Symbian s60 SIS or JAR on BB (BB-user) and other devices based java .. Essentially, file2 with apk extension can be used to install the application on android device .. BRICK (ed) == Dmana conditions in the device is not able to recover, and it could be like a brick (brick) that can be used to throw dog (if needed) .. adb = command to the command in android through pc .. including if adb shell command adb extension part .. there are many, like adb push, pull adb, adb install requirement etc ... can walk = adb adb drivers have been installed on the pc. .. usually in the device manager (windows) will look andoid composite device adb, adb driver from the vendor of the device's usually .. klo nexus, htc magic, dream can use the default driver usb motorola milestone ... if can of luggage or wear motorola cd software update...